Sustainability – thinking in the long term

Taking care of the environment, society and the long-term perspective of the company is called sustainability – but for us it is a matter of course. We take responsibility for sustainability within our sphere of influence. From recycling to employee welfare, from renewable energy to apprenticeships. Because we are very concerned about maintaining a functioning company, a stable society and an intact environment for future generations. We are convinced that this also makes us strong as a company for the future.

Solar energy from our own sources

We are not satisfied with just buying green electricity. Our aim is to use as much electricity as possible from our own production. This is why we have installed a large photovoltaic system on our new building in 2020, thus actively promoting the expansion of renewable energies.

Our environmental certificate for green electricity from water power:


We take responsibility

Electric on the move

Our mobility management is part of our sustainability strategy. In 2020 we converted a first part of our fleet to e-vehicles and installed nine own charging stations with 99 kW charging power. And our focus on e-mobility has only just begun.

Avoiding waste, disposing of residues in an environmentally friendly manner

We also pay attention to sustainability when it comes to waste: before something is thrown away, re-using it is very important to us. And we make no compromises when it comes to recycling. We recycle in accordance with § 7 paragraph 1 of the German Packaging Act in the Dual System Zentec, a professional partner.

„We are all part of the environment. Our children and all future generations will benefit from what we do today for our nature and environment. That is why it is natural for me to think and act sustainably.“

Jens Finkeldei, Shareholder

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